
Here you will find my books and audios to dream, learn and wonder.
Let your heart be touched!


Available in your local and online bookstores

Paperback - ISBN-13: 9783751973731
E-Book - ISBN-13: 9783752675863

Publisher: Books on Demand

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 contact Gundi:

Insights into humanity

In this book the CNVC certified trainer Gundi Gaschler shares personal experiences that touched her heart while applying the consciousness of Non-Violent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg. She gained them in her trainings mostly in roleplays, also in her “real” life including her family. Her experiencing shows that humanity can be discovered behind any behaviour and how amazingly effective the tools of NVC can be to achieve real understanding.

Stories that make the world a bit more beautiful by just reading them.

Let your heart be touched.


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I realize more and more the precious gifts, hidden in the stories you offer. 
Since I experienced it first hand, I recognize the magic happening after you stepped in the roleplay and allow yourself to be carried away on the current energy flows and streams.
Each time I dig deeper in to your book, it’s like I am present there, right aside you. A privileged and fortuned observer, watching with awe, how the little miracles unfold before my eyes.    
I am so happy and grateful to be of assistance, helping you making these treasures available for English speaking people.    

Rudy Begas (Translation)

"Mr. Rosenberg and the coffee cup" is also available in:


Taiwan (Chinese longhand)

A harmonious relationship with children

Saying what bothers me without reproach and listening openly to the other person. In this book, parents, educators and teachers will find many concrete ideas on how to develop a harmonious relationship with children and ways to stay in loving contact even when things get tiring. With the project "The Giraffe´s Dream" for the day care center.

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- The Giraffe’s Dream -
an NVC project for pre-school institutions
"Mama, we have a baby giraffe in our group!" With these words, Lisa welcomes her mum, when she is picking up her daughter from the kindergarten on Monday afternoon. "She's alone, but we all take care of her."
The teachers of the kindergarten began to implement the Giraffe-Dream Project. Together with the baby giraffe, the children will learn for the next 10 days  the so-called "giraffe language". The aim is to express yourself honestly, by describing what they have seen, to talk about their feelings and needs, and finally express concrete requests. 
At the end of the first part of the project, the mother giraffe will come to the kindergarten and will tell the kids of her dream: "In my dream, children will have learned, to say what they need and to hear what the other needs. They look for solutions together, so it all goes well. "
In the following weeks, the teachers work with the kids on empathy and changing the perspective, mediation, conflict solution and living democracy in kindergarten. 
In a lot of German and other European kindergartens, the non-violent communication has now become an integral part of the educational concept. Through parenting workshops also parents were are getting involved in this process and the giraffes are an indispensable part of the group.
Aims of the project
    • Giving children a living example for non-violent conflict resolution
    • Developing language and resilience
    • Empathy and self-awareness
    • Being a individual and social being
    • Mediation and decision making
    • Setting boundaries and building connection


Available in your local and online bookstores

Paperback - ISBN-13: 9783744831536
E-Book - ISBN-13: 9783744891806

Publisher: Books on Demand

If you need support,
 contact Gundi:

"I want to understand what you really need" is also available in:







Only in German:

Kleine und große erlebte Wunder

Jeder hat schon einmal etwas Magisches erlebt, aber nur selten darüber gesprochen. Wenn diese magischen Geschichten erzählt werden, entsteht ein ganz besonderer Zauber. Gundi Gaschler hat ihn eingefangen. Sie hat Menschen, denen sie begegnet ist, eingeladen ihre "wunder"-baren Erlebnisse mit ihr zu teilen und die Magie, die dabei entstand, in diesem Buch festgehalten.

Zum Schmökern, Vorlesen und vor allem zum "Verzaubern" lassen.

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More more more of Gundi's books, which are so true and so touching!
Wonderful to give to yourself and others!

Hannah Hartenberg

Gundi's magical stories have made me look through a window into another world - a world of wonders and angels. Easy to read, deeply touching, sometimes funny and sometimes sad, these little soul trips always brighten my day. As a little companion I can recommend this book from my heart.
Bruni Kattesch

More infos about the non-violent communication